Sunday, May 20, 2007


There are many of us that face guilt every single day. Guilt for doing something that we know we weren't supposed to do, or guilt for doing something we knew we were supposed to do, but regretted the consequences that came along with it. There is a simple thing God wants us to know when it comes to us feeling guilty about things: He loves us just how we are. He does not condone sin, but He still loves us, and still forgives us for what we do and don't do. I always remember the story of the woman caught in adultery, and was being prepared to be stoned. She was brought before Jesus. Jesus, in His mighty wisdom, knew exactly the right thing to say: "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." See, God knows that we live in a sinful, dying world. He knows that, every single day, we will be posed with temptation and doubt, and that occasionally, we're going to "slip up"....sin.

But, He gives us a way of escape. He says that if we call on Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Which means, along with that, He wipes away our guilt. Guilt is one of the major things that keeps us from furthering our relationship with Him. Mainly, because we feel that we're not good enough. In reality, we're not. But, if we know that He is what makes us right before God, then all guilt, condemnation, doubt.....all of that, doesn't seem to matter, and is not a focal point of our lives any longer.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

True Love

What is love? You see different viewpoints of what love is everywhere. You walk down the street and see someone holding another's hand. You think, "They must really be in love". You go to your favorite restaurant and see a husband and a wife sitting side by side, gazing into each other's eyes, totally oblivious to the fact that their food has been sitting in front of them for the last ten minutes, and again you think to yourself that they must be in love.

But, why is our divorce rate higher than it's ever been before? Why does abuse abound in so many relationships? In my honest opinion, I believe that our definition of love is warped. We may think we know what love is, but in actuality, we may not know love at all.

Jesus showed us the true meaning of love all throughout His Word. He said, "If you say you love Me, but hate your brother, the love of God is not in you". Again, He said, "There's no greater love than this, then for a man to lay his life down for his friends". So, what is love? Love is putting others before yourself. Love is not harboring bitterness, but showing forgiveness. Love is when you're willing to lay everything on the line, just to help someone else. Love is caring so much that you would give someone your very best.

So, what is true love? God is Love.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007



I am in the process of getting everything organized, so please bear with me. When visiting my blog, I will warn you ahead of time. What you see is what you get. I desire to know God and His Fullness more than I ever have before. And with that, comes a price. Often times, when God shows a portion of Himself, it involves us seeing a part of ourselves that we may not have seen before. It's a painful, sorrowful process. But, at the same time, it's a joyous process, because we will then also know something about our Savior that we may not have known before.

This is my main purpose for starting this blog. Not to have a daily journal of what I did in a days time, but to join together with you to know and better our relationship with our Maker, God...the One TRUE God, Maker of all Heaven and Earth.

So, now that you all have a little understanding of this blog, enjoy! I am open to any imput you may have. Anyone who reads, can comment. I understand that some may not believe as I and others do, and that's okay. But, I want imput and comments to be tasteful and well-intentioned. :)

May God bless each and every one of you "seekers" out there, longing for the truth. Stay tuned!
